Monday, June 14, 2010

a four-legged visitor

My friend Kula came to visit me last Friday.  As soon as he got in the apartment and was let out of his carry cage, he quickly investigated every nook and cranny.  He had a drink of water and then jumped up on my bed.  He Pretty much stayed with me on the bed for the rest of his visit.  He was such a friendly and well mannered visitor.  Kula did not talk my ear off or expect me to carry on a conversation.  He was content just to be there with me. Every so often he would crawl closer to me so I could reach him and give him a scratch, or some love.  He was willing to share kisses with me, even through the mask on my face.  Part of the time I think he was so relaxed that he dozed off. Thank You Kula for making my day special!


  1. dogs "know"...

    i know, cause i'm born in the year of the dog...

    yes, dogs know...

  2. Who is the owner of Kula? Sooo cute!
