Monday, April 26, 2010

random thoughts

It's Monday, my most confusing day of the week.  I so enjoy the weekends when I have Mineko here most of the time and also sometimes have a Saturday afternoon visitor.  I get lots of attention over the weekend, I feel very well cared for and also get into the wheelchair to look out my living room windows.  So I Mondays, I often feel a little lonely and a little blue.

My parents come to visit this week.  They will be here Thursday and stay for one week.  I'm looking forward to them visiting.  The last time with them was December 2009.  They are both 80 years old and still doing pretty good.  I do worry about them making the long trip.  I'm close to my family, we are small family.  I'm sure it must be difficult for them to have to come see their son in this condition.  I will be positive and happy for them and for me.

Our angelfish died a few days ago.  We had this lovely angelfish about four or 5 inches big in our aquarium for almost a year and a half.  He had very good eyesight and would follow whoever came by the fish tank from one side to the other asking for food.  It was sad that he died, but I guess that is part of life.  The other fish in the tank seem a little bit lost without him.  I think he was the leader.  I'll see if I can find photo of him.

1 comment:

  1. glad to hear that the parentals will be here later this week. don't dwell on the fact of how they will "see you." they will see their son, the will see their joy, they will see their happiness.

    as for the angelfish, i actually enjoyed this bit. did i ever tell u i used to work in a pet shop (1977) and it was a fun time in life for me, just getting out of high school & getting my feet wet cause i didn't wanna go back to school just yet. i used to raise angelfish to see how big they would actually grow if given ample room in a tank (now the geek in me is emerging). but yeah, the lifespan of a fish isn't what it's cracked up to be. so i've seen many fish come & go, but i still remember each of them.

    just remember, in 3 days, u'll have a full house of people!
