Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Scarlett's Fire gets some positive reviews

Received some wonderful feedback for Scarlett's Fire! Please continue to send me feedback through email ( or with a review directly with Amazon.

 I read “Scarlett’s Fire” last week while on vacation.  It was awesome!  Quite a page turner. There were many parts of it that I really liked and would like to share with you.

·         Love the extremes in size between a ‘shrimp’ and a giant squid…made me think of David and Goliath.

·         Scarlett added a lot of descriptive background to the story just by her observations of Corly’s intelligence.

·         Loved Scarlett’s desire to understand ‘motherhood’ and ‘love’.

·         Definite morality issue with the role of a Preservation society first playing the role of protector and then turning into a collector of species.

·         The concept of time was very fascinating to me.  I was impressed with Scarlett’s and Corly’s ability to be so patient about the passage of MANY years as part of normal life and also required to ‘change/improve’ their environment.  Time frustrates me.  I’m not a very patient individual so this gave me a very positive feeling of the power of patience (thank you!).

·         And then the whole world recreated itself…wow…what a great ending!
I hope you write more science fiction!!!

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