Friday, September 26, 2014

Scarlett's Fire big audacious goal!

Scarlett's Fire is now available on – 5000 copies sold! (That's my goal.)

I have decided to place a big goal for the sales of this new book. I've always believed that you should have BIG AUDACIOUS GOALS – I call this giving yourself a "brand new B.A.G." The Inspiration comes from the James Brown song, "Papa's got a brand-new bag" (1965), where he praises an old man for being brave enough to take the dance floor and do his thing! (Click here to watch the YouTube video)

The idea is to place the Big Audacious Goal out there into the great universe. The goal, if it is positive and sincere, will bounce around the infinite expanse of space and grow stronger with each energy force that it encounters. The ripple effect collects momentum from the pure potential of limitless possibilities that exist within our universe. With a grateful mind and positive prayer, the thought continues to grow until the goal is fulfilled. The result can be spectacular!

Why 5000? Five thousand seems to be the magic number for literary agents and publishers to take notice of self-published authors. 5000 copies sold would also bring enough royalty income to pay for my health expenses for one year.

You can help me reach my goal by:

Enjoy the story and then write a review.

Tell your friends.
Come dance with me!

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