Monday, June 3, 2013

Add to your summer reading list!

Dear friends,

Please Consider adding one of my books to your summer reading list! I also appreciate when you share my books with others, or let other people know that I am an aspiring author. All of my books can be purchased on and Kindle. Here's a quick summary of what I've published so far:

"Not Too Late for Paradise." – My most recent, and perhaps best written story yet. Loosely based on my travels through the Micronesian islands. Tells the tale of two young boys coming of age at very different times – the 1870s and the 1970s.

"The Birdman of Nuuanu Valley." – Inspired by the view from my living room window. A much expanded retelling of the Hawaiian legend. Tells the history of Nuuanu Valley.

"The Brookside Rooster." – The short story relating the real, but fictionalized, events that occurred in my neighborhood last spring when a rooster came to visit.

"The Hamster and the Gecko-A Survivors Story." – Tells the story of the tragic Japan tsunami of March 2011, and the resulting debris field that was spread throughout the Pacific. My bestseller!

"Sealand 1001" – a science fiction story set 150 years in the future. Humans have survived global warming and climate change, but now overpopulation threatens the ocean the health of the earth. Dolphins and whales work with eco-terrorists to stop development of floating cities.

"A Remarkable Life, lived by an ordinary person" – my first self published book. A memoir of the first 25 years of my life leading up to my decision to leave South Carolina and move to Japan.

"Dolphins' Dance" – my very first book, published by the vanity press They have outrageously priced this wonderful story about my fantasy of being reincarnated as a dolphin. Tells the story of the dolphin's life and his many adventures. My contract with PublishAmerica is up in five years, at that time I will self publish a second edition and lower the price.

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