Thursday, September 9, 2010

Four Years Later

This week will mark four years since my diagnosis of ALS.  I have mixed feelings when I think about this...  Four years ago I was still walking, playing golf, working, feeding myself and enjoying my life with a lovely family and satisfying job.  I'm angry and depressed at times that most of this has been taken away from me over the last four years, but I am still alive and I still have a lovely family, wonderful friends and fantastic caregivers.  I do still try to enjoy as much of my life as I can with the limited physical abilities I still have.  I can still talk and communicate with people, use the computer and change the channel on the television. I have a lot to be thankful for, so thank you, and especially thank you all of my friends and caregivers who give me a reason to be happy each day.


  1. 4 years, has it been that long? seems like i just saw u in the office the other week! i can remember my first day at CIS when it was only you & gordon, then shari came 1 month later. now i'm the only 1 left! i'm no spring chicken compared to the rest of the field now cause they're all YOUNG. perhaps we'll see you around oho 1 of these days when u feel up to rounding about!

  2. Hi Rick - I can't believe it's been 4 years! I remember how you were feeling in the early days and how shocked and worried I was after the diagnosis. But here you are 4 years later, doing a great job handling the ups and downs of a very challenging situation! Every time I leave your place I feel relaxed, centered, and grateful. You have that effect on me!
    I look forward to many more years of friendship and Saturday visits!
