Saturday, April 13, 2013

Depressed. Then grateful!

I've been feeling a little bit down and depressed lately. I haven't been getting out of my bed that often, it's been over three weeks since getting into my wheelchair. It's a long story why, mostly because it's just more comfortable for me to stay in bed, and also gets a big chore for my wife or my other caregiver to get me into the wheelchair – takes a lot of time and effort for everyone. However, I'm beginning to realize that I have to get out more often. Otherwise, my health is relatively stable. I am getting out of breath more easily and my choice of foods has diminished significantly. I can't chew very well, and swallowing can sometimes be a problem. On the other hand, my family, friends and caregivers show me so much love and understanding each day! I'm so lucky to have all of you in my life. And, my voice is still strong. I can communicate and I can control my computer – even though it crashes at least once or twice a day. My son tells me I need to buy another computer with more processing power and RAM. My mother has the beginning stages of Alzheimer's and my father is barely able to take care of her. So that's my sad story, but then I am extremely grateful! I still have so much to live for... I'm in communication with a friend, an expatriate living in France who has ALS. We have built a friendship over the last few years, comparing progression. He has ALS only four years and his progression is much worse than mine – he has a tracheotomy, cannot talk, and must be fed by a feeding tube. But still he has a. I have to learn from him, that I too can have a positive attitude. I think being grateful for what I have now is the beginning of that process.

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