Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Beautiful orchid

my good friend Bette gave me these orchids around the beginning of the year.  They had some beautiful blossoms at first and then all of a sudden all of the blossoms fell off.  I was so sad.  As usual the rakers are not that good at taking care of plants...  We either water too much or too little.  It's so hard to find that balance that nature needs to flourish.

After the blossoms fell off we put the plant outside.  For the next couple of weeks in late January the weather was wet, cloudy and cool.  Then all of a sudden in late February new blossoms appeared.  I was so happy and amazed at the resilience of this little plant.  We brought it back inside and now I've been enjoying the new blossoms for the past several weeks.

This little plant reminded me that nature is so beautiful and so resilient when it's left alone and not disturbed.

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