Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January is flying

Hello friends, is amazing to me that January is almost
halfway over and we are well into 2011. I've been busy. On Saturday I went to the Sony open with my good friend Bob. We had a great time and continue the tradition we started over 10 years ago. Yesterday, I went to the dentist. So my teeth are clean and my smile is Bright. Today, I finally finish the final manuscript for "Dolphins Dance" and sent it off to the publisher. Christopher started a new job with ClearWire last week and is still going to school full-time. So, I've been busy these days! And a thoroughly enjoying the NFL playoffs.
I hope all of you are having a wonderful January.

1 comment:

  1. now that u mention it, the month is already 2/3 of the way over! how did that happen? where was i? ur post here has gently reminded me to delve further into the little quirks of life; mahalo!
