Friday, December 6, 2013

Some comments on "The Gunslinger" volumes

A good, but critical reader, friend of mine had these comments about my Gunslinger volumes. Getting these kinds of comments really help me continue to write – thank you!

Your writing is "compelling."
I am impressed with your knowledge of Native Americans. We give Native Americans far too little credit for their civilization and treated them like "savages during that time."
I wonder how Native Americans could have developed their mysticism. I think it was probably a natural evolution. I am impressed [from your writing] about their respect for nature – their ability to gain wisdom from nature.
You write well about things that are hard to understand.  I like the way you imply extra meaning and possibility of connection through time - as with the bird story of Nuuanu Valley.
I took from your writing that "all that happens has meaning." There is message for you in life.  Things around you have meaning.  [I particularly like the way you deliver this thought without beating the reader over the head with it.]

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